Monday, November 14, 2011

Up and Down and Continuing on the Journey

The numbers on the scale go up and down, up and down, up and down....yes, I'm singing this to the tune of "The Wheels on the Bus".

I can't seem to stabilize within my 2 pound range of my LDW.  I have been stabilizing at 3-4 pounds above my LDW instead.  I have heard people say they have done the same on the hcgdieters yahoo group, but I wasn't prepared for it to happen to me.  So, today, as I'm heading into my 5th week of Phase 4, I am going to accept the fact that my stabilization weight is higher than I want it to be.  Next round I will be more vigilant to keep my stabilization where it should be during Phase 3!

So, my journey continues...I will begin Phase 2 again in less than 2 weeks.  I'm planning to load on Thanksgiving and the day after, then I will begin my 3rd round of Phase 2!  I am excited to get back on the losing bandwagon!  I have some jeans in my closet that I would like to be able to wear by Christmas (1 pair was given to me brand new, and I bought a few pair at a garage sale recently).  I was able to just "squeeze" into 1 pair yesterday, but I am looking forward to being able to wear them comfortably very soon!

I am planning to do 25 days of Phase 2, then take a planned interruption for about 10 days over Christmas break.  Then I will finish out the rest of Phase 2 after the new year. 

On a side note, I have written my weight down in my calendar nearly every day since before starting the Protocol so I can go back and review my losses.  I am so glad I kept a record!  I recently went back to my first round and I was surprised at how "bumpy" it was, and yet I don't remember feeling discouraged at all!  I guess I was just thrilled that I was losing any weight at all.  Truth be told, I had given up the idea of ever being able rid myself of the extra person I've been carrying around for so long.  My hope has been renewed!  And here I am, about halfway through my journey!

One more side note, I recently discovered that I love, love, LOVE lime juice squeezed in water with a little Stevia!  This totally excites me also because I know I can drink this during Phase 2!  Not only am I allowed to drink it but it has some awesome benefits that you can read about here.  I have never been a fan of lemon juice, so this lime juice realization really took me by suprise!  Try it, you may like it!  Oh, and a friend said lime juice is great squeezed over grilled chicken also, so you can bet I'm going to try that on Phase 2 also!

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