I love the term "ripple effect". I believe that the choices I make (good or bad) effect many other people. I am seeing a positive ripple effect from following the HCG Protocol and I couldn't be more thrilled!
Currently, I am part of a small group (4 of us) who are doing the Protocol together. My friend, Amy, started with me at the very beginning. Her sister joined our little group after our first round and recently another friend of ours joined. Amy has lost 59 pounds, Carrie has lost 36 pounds and our newest member, Julia, has lost 33 pounds! Between the 4 of us, we've lost approx. 185 pounds! INCREDIBLE!!! (Way to go ladies!!!)
I know of several others who have emailed me wanting details and have since begun the Protocol. I would love to know if any of you have joined the "hcg bandwagon" since following my blog & how much weight you have lost as a result. You can post an anonymous note here or email/facebook me. You can remain anonymous if you like. :)
Many thanks to my cousin, Leigh Ann, who shared her HCG success with me!!!
Thanks, Abbie! Of course, as of this morning, I'm at 29.9 (and doing a steak & tomato correction day). But, that's all part & parcel for HCG ... see what you're doing right or wrong, and if needed, make corrections. Above all, stay positive! : )