Yesterday was my last day on the homeopathic HCG...I had to go a couple more days than I planned but I wanted to hit a certain number mark anyway! It was Day 36 (I hadn't been including the 2 load days previously but I should have been since I was on the hHCG then as well) and I have lost 27 pounds while on the hHCG, plus 3 pounds lost before starting hHCG, for a total loss of 30 pounds! I am loving it! And though I have much more to go, this is a great start and I am looking forward to continuing my journey!
One more day of very low calories then I move into Phase 3, which is a maintenance phase. No starches, no sugars...basically low carb. I can't gain more than 2 pounds or lose more than 2 pounds. If I lose more, I have to eat fruit to bring it back up. If I gain more than 2 pounds I have to do a correction day to bring it back down. The point of this 3 week phase is to reset the hypothalamus gland to recognize this new weight as my body's regular weight. After 3 weeks of Phase 3, then I move into Phase 4 for 3 weeks. This is the final maintenance phase in which you slowly introduce starches/sugars into your diet and see how your body reacts. After those 3 weeks, you may begin a second round of the Protocol. I plan to start my 2nd round of Phase 2 in August.
I am ready to move into Phase 3! I have been feeling weak the past few mornings. Occasionally, I feel light-headed if I make a quick move (stand up quickly or if I am heading one direction and make an abrupt turn to do something else). Other than that, I haven't had any other symptoms from the hHCG. I have been surprised by the fact that I am rarely ever hungry considering the very low calorie intake. I have been sleeping remarkably well and I have been overall in a great mood since I started...hopefully none of these change now that I am going off the hHCG. :) Oh, and my skin looks really good too!
Things I am looking forward to eating in Phase 3: eggs, avocados, Chocolate Delight (watch it on YouTube!), more meat, more veggies, butter on my veggies, heavy whipping cream in my coffee, EVOO, coconut oil & cheese. Yes, I am hungry, but it is lunch time, so there you go!
What is EVOO, Abbie?
Extra Virgin Olive Oil. :)