Honesty is the best policy. So, in all honesty, I haven't done what I should have this week and the scale is up because of it. I didn't do what I planned to do. My plan was to eat no carbs and no sugars, but because I didn't plan ahead, I didn't follow through. That and because I found a new favorite food, quinoa (pronounced keen-wah), which isn't carb-less though it is good for you. My birthday was Friday, so I let my son and his friend make brownies, and I bought ice cream (telling myself, after all, it was my birthday). So, I ate brownies and ice cream! (Did you notice the excuse?)
Last night was our annual bonfire (and it was quite a party!) I didn't overeat but I did have more sugar (that seems reasonable, right?). I have deprived myself a lot these past 6 months (another excuse!), so I gave myself permission to eat 2 sweets. I wasn't even going to have a hot dog but at the last minute a friend roasted 2 and asked if I wanted one. By then, I wanted one and I ate it without a bun (reasoning that I was making a good choice by not eating a bun!).
Hmmm....how many excuses did I come up with that allowed me to go from bad to worse? It wouldn't have been so bad if I had made a poor choice here & a poor choice there over the course of a couple weeks but I made these over the course of a couple days...even after I had planned to shape up. And now I pay the price. Today I'm doing a Correction Day (CD) to try to regain some lost ground, or should I say ungain some ground that I regained! I am up 7.4 pounds from my LDW (5.4 pounds above my allowed 2 pounds). I am cringing at those numbers because I had worked so hard to get where I was! I hope to lose a couple pounds by tomorrow, eat clean for a couple days and then do another CD.
I really believe that poor planning in the midst of a busy week had a major role to play in my poor choices. I didn't set myself up for success, and by not doing so, I essentially set myself up for failure. I am learning from my mistakes and I am making a meal plan for the week...today!
Before I sign off, I did do something good last week. :) I made some Lara bars. I decided to google it and found several websites/blogs that gave instructions. If you would like to try them, I would suggest this Cashew Cookie recipe. It's very simple and basic (2 ingredients). I am planning to try Hot Fudge Brownie next (but not for a while)! Perhaps I should have tried it last week instead of eating real brownies...hindsight is always 20/20!
Now, I'm off to plan my meals!
Great post, Abbie! Thank you for your transparency, which helps those of us who are way behind you in this HCG journey. You are showing us what this will be like in the future (Phase 4 isn't just EAT TO CAPACITY, or else it would be loading)! I'm still a little disappointed about that, so it's a good thing Phase 2 and Phase 3 are going to go for another 6 weeks for me, so I can get into the right mind set). But, it's also encouraging to see that, by weighing yourself every day, you were able to pinpoint what you had done that caused the increase, and even more importantly, have the tools to correct it! Wow! So, keep up the good work! Obviously, since you have lost so much, a 7+ pound gain will be down again in no time. It's not like you'll be carrying it (and more) around for the rest of your life. Maybe for the rest of the calendar week. ; ) --Julia